Can I create a shortcut on my desktop to access Blue Ocean Brain?

You may create a desktop shortcut to make it easy to access Blue Ocean Brain (BOB).

To create a desktop shortcut to BOB using Windows:

  1. Right click on the desktop. Select NEW > SHORTCUT.
  2. In the Create Shortcut box, enter the URL of the BOB website: and select NEXT.
  3. Name the Shortcut Blue Ocean Brain and select FINISH.
  4. A shortcut icon linking to Blue Ocean Brain will now be visible on the desktop.

To create a desktop shortcut to BOB using macOS:

  1. Launch the Safari web browser.
  2. Navigate to the BOB homepage:
  3. Drag the cursor across the full URL in the address bar to highlight it.
  4. Select and drag the highlighted URL onto the desktop and release the mouse button.
  5. A shortcut linking to Blue Ocean Brain will now be visible on the desktop.