In the Brain Exercise Double Digits, why can't I connect two numbers?

To connect two numbers in the Brain Exercise Double Digits Brain Exercise, the numbers must total the sum provided and use less than 3 "turns" to connect the two numbers.

If your organization's Blue Ocean Brain experience includes Brain Exercises, you may be familiar with the Brain Exercise Double Digits.

To connect two numbers in the Double Digits Brain Exercise and remove the numbers from the board, the following conditions must be met:

  • Do the two numbers selected add up to the sum provided at the top of the board (i.e. Make 8, 10 or 12)?
  • In order to connect one number to another, am I making fewer than three "turns" on the board?

Note: The connecting line between two numbers can only travel and turn horizontally and vertically, never diagonally.

For a more in depth explanation of "turns" in the Brain Exercise Double Digits, read on!

Double Digits Example-1

In the example shown to the left, the sum required is 8, so the two numbers selected must add up to 8.

In the example shown to the left, represented by the purple arrow, there is one line connecting the 3 and the 5 with zero turns. Those two numbers will connect and clear from the board.

In the example shown to the left, represented by the green arrows, attempting to connect the 6 and 2 would require "turning" three times. This is an illegal move and will result in no numbers clearing from the board, as fewer than three turns must be taken to connect numbers. 

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