How do I generate the SSH keys to access my SFTP server?

Blue Ocean Brain sets up the SFTP server, and if you are manually uploading a file from your device, you will need to provide BOB with your private key and import your own key.

You may have an SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) site/server that was set up by BOB to send your employee data securely for creating BOB accounts.

BOB requires key-based authentication for the setup of the SFTP site. To set up the authentication the BOB team will need your ssh key.

If your team has automated the file transfer, your team will be able to send over the public key used for automation. If you are manually uploading your employee files to the SFTP, you will need to generate a key pair. Your private key will be added to your FTP application and you will need to provide your public key to BOB.

Below are the steps to set up your keys and how to provide them to BOB.

If your organization uses Workday to send over employee listings, you can find instructions to generate keys for Workday here.

Step 1: Generate your key

  1. On your device, you'll need to find the Command Prompt:
    1. In Windows, click on the magnifying glass  in the taskbar and search for "Command Prompt." You can also find it by selecting the Start button>Windows System>Command Prompt.
    2. In macOS, open Finder>Applications>Utilities>Terminal.
  2.  Once the Command Prompt is open, type the command, ssh-keygen
  3. The system will generate the key pair (e.g. "Generating public/private rsa key pair").
  4. The next line will request that you create a file path to save the key (e.g. "Enter file in which to save the key (C:\Users\YourName/.ssh/id_rsa)"). Press enter (without typing any additional information) to save the file path.
    1. If you already have a key, the next line will inform you that the key already exists and ask you if you want to overwrite it. You don't need to generate another key; select "n" to avoid overwriting your key. Follow the file path (e.g. C:\Users\YourName/.ssh/id_rsa) to find your key and move to the next step.
  5. You'll then be prompted to enter a password (e.g. "Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase"). We recommend that you press Enter and don't select a passphrase.
  6. The system will prompt you to confirm your password (e.g. "Enter same passphrase again:"). If you chose not to select a password, press Enter. If you chose to select a password, type the password again.
  7. You'll receive a message with confirmation that your identification and public key have been generated (e.g. "Your identification has been saved in C:\Users\YourName/.ssh/id_rsa"). It may also display your key fingerprint and key randomart. Close the Command Prompt and proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Import your private key

  1. Locate your key by following the file path established previously (e.g. C:\Users\YourName/.ssh/id_rsa).
  2. In the folder, you will find 2 keys:
    • The one called "id_rsa" with the file type "File" is your private key.
      • Note: DO NOT provide your private key to anyone. If someone asks for your key, they are requesting your public key only, never your private key.
    • The one called "id_rsa" with the file type "Microsoft Publisher Document" (it may end in .pub) is your public key.
  3. Open your FTP application (we recommend FileZilla).
  4. In FileZilla, if you're setting up the SFTP connection on your device for the first time, follow the below steps:
    1. Click File>Site Manager.
    2. Click the button, New Site.
    3. On the General tab, change the Protocol to SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol.
    4. Type the Host:
      1. If needed, the BOB IP address can be used as an alternative Host:
    5. Type the Port: 22
    6. Change Logon Type to Key file.
    7. Type the User: [BOB will provide you with your username]
    8. Next to Key file, select Browse. Find your public key on your device (e.g. C:\Users\YourName/.ssh/). Again, the public key is the Publisher document or the one that ends in .pub.
    9. Click OK to save for the future. You won't be able to connect to the SFTP site until you provide BOB with your public key and they update it on their end.
  5. In FileZilla, if you already have an SFTP connection to BOB, you can edit your current SFTP connection to support the key:
    1. Click File>Site Manager.
    2. Find the SFTP server that you set up to access the SFTP and click on it.
    3. Change Logon Type to Key file.
    4. Type the User: [BOB will provide you with your username]
    5. Next to Key file, select Browse. Find your public key on your device (e.g. C:\Users\YourName/.ssh/). Again, the public key is the Publisher document or the one that ends in .pub.
    6. Click OK to save for the future. You won't be able to connect to the SFTP site until you provide BOB with your public key and they update it on their end.

Step 3: Send your public key to BOB

  1. Locate your key by following the file path established previously (e.g. C:\Users\YourName/.ssh/id_rsa).
  2. In the folder, you will find 2 keys:
    • The one called "id_rsa" with the file type "File" is your private key.
      • Note: DO NOT provide your private key to anyone. If someone asks for your key, they are requesting your public key only, never your private key.
    • The one called "id_rsa" with the file type "Microsoft Publisher Document" (it may end in .pub) is your public key.
  3. Compose an encrypted email to send the public key to your BOB IT contacts, who will upload it to the SFTP server on their end.

You're now ready to upload your file to the SFTP!