How do I add and/or remove Learners in Blue Ocean Brain?

Learner Admins may add and remove Learners in the Blue Ocean Brain (BOB) platform, either one at a time or in batch.

Note: The features under the Admin menu are enabled individually for Learning Leaders at each organization. If you believe that you should have access to one or more of these features, please contact us and your request will be forwarded to the appropriate person at your organization for approval.

How do I add a single Learner to BOB?

How do I update a single Learner in Blue Ocean Brain?

How do I deactivate a single Learner in Blue Ocean Brain?

How do I add/update/deactivate multiple Learners in batch in Blue Ocean Brain?

How do I add a single Learner to BOB?

To add a single Learner to Blue Ocean Brain, log into Blue Ocean Brain and select Admin in the top right toolbar. In the drop-down menu, select Learners.

Select the Create button to the top right to access the New Learner page. Under General,  enter the Learner's information. Under Learner License Registration, ensure that the Register License toggle is turned on, changing to a blue color. Under Additional Information, complete any additional fields. Any fields marked with an asterisk(*) must be completed.

Select Create to save the record, or select Create and Edit to create a new Learner and then open that individual's record in BOB. If enabled at the group level, the Welcome communication will automatically be sent via email once a Learner is created.

Note: Username will default to the entered email address if none is provided. Username and email address are unique identifiers. A group cannot have two Learners with the same email address or username.

The additional fields under Additional Information are determined by each company when their Learner file is provided to the BOB Support Team prior to Launch. If more fields are needed, please provide a file that includes these fields to BOB Support using the Import feature detailed below.

How do I update a single Learner in Blue Ocean Brain?

To update a single Learner to Blue Ocean Brain, log into Blue Ocean Brain and select Admin in the top right toolbar. In the drop-down menu, select Learners. From the Learners page, search for the desired Learner using the Search feature on the left hand side. Once you have found the Learner you'd like to update, select the pencil icon in the rightmost column, labeled Edit, to access the Edit Learner page.

Once the Edit Learner page loads, edit information in the First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Username, Language, Learner License Registration, and/or Additional Information fields. When all changes have been made, select Save at the bottom of the page to apply the changes.

How do I deactivate a single Learner in Blue Ocean Brain?

To update a single Learner to Blue Ocean Brain, log into Blue Ocean Brain and select Admin in the top right toolbar. In the drop-down menu, select Learners. From the Learners page, search for the desired Learner using the Search feature on the left hand side. Once you have found the Learner you'd like to update, select the pencil icon in the rightmost column, labeled Edit, to access the Edit Learner page.

Once the Edit Learner page loads, toggle the Learner License Registration toggle from Register License (blue if registered) to off (gray if not registered). When all changes have been made, select Save at the bottom of the page to apply the changes.

How do I add/update/deactivate multiple Learners in batch in Blue Ocean Brain?

Changes to multiple Learners are applied by uploading an Excel file in CSV format, with a row for each Learner and a column for each field to be updated.

Note: Uploaded CSV files may take up to 24 hours to process. If welcome emails are turned on at the group level, new Learners in the file will receive an email with their initial login credentials once the upload is processed.

To add, update, or remove multiple Learners at once, log into Blue Ocean Brain and select

Admin in the top right toolbar. In the drop-down menu, select Learners. Once the Learner Management page loads, select the three dots icon to the right of the Create button, then select Import.

Select Browse and search for the CSV file containing the Learners that will be added and updated or removed. Select the file and select Open.

Select the desired Import Mode from the Mode dropdown menu (see explanations below), then select Continue.


Import Modes & Best Practices:

  • Create & Update/Reactivate & De-Activate Missing: Use “Create & Update/Re-activate & De-activate missing” only for importing a full file of all of your Learners. Any name left off the file will be deactivated, any new name in the file will be added to BOB, and any existing name will be updated (if metadata in BOB does not match the file). USE THIS MODE ONLY WHEN A FULL LEARNER LISTING IS AVAILABLE!
  • Create & Update/Reactivate: Use “Create & Update/Re-activate” to add new Learners or update the metadata for existing Learners. Use this mode when a learner listing contains only Learners to add to BOB and/or Learners you'd like update in BOB. This mode will not deactivate any existing BOB learners.
  • De-activate: Use “De-activate” for files of terminated employees whose accounts should be deactivated. Use this mode when a learning listing only contains Learners you would like to remove BOB access from. 

    Map your file's column headers to the corresponding data fields in BOB. The system should auto-select most or all fields. If a field reads N/A, be sure to update the mapping to match the correct data field, or the information will not be mapped. Select Update Mappings and Run to process the file.

    Data Fields

    You will receive an email with the results. If any errors are reported or you have any questions, please contact us.