How do I remove a Bookmarked item in Blue Ocean Brain?

On your Bookmarks page, select the Bookmark ribbon under the piece of content you wish to remove.

The Bookmarks page contains all Articles, Quotes, Everyday Insights, and images saved throughout your Blue Ocean Brain (BOB) learning journey.

To remove an item from the Bookmarks page, navigate to the Bookmarks page in Blue Ocean Brain. 

    • If accessing Blue Ocean Brain through a web browser, select Bookmarks in the top right menu.
    • If accessing Blue Ocean Brain through the mobile app, select the three lines at the top left of the menu bar, and the menu options will slide over from the left. Select Bookmarks.
Select the Bookmark icon under the description of the item you wish to remove (selecting the Bookmark icon again will save the item again). Refresh the page to confirm the removal of the saved/Bookmarked item.