How do I edit an announcement in Blue Ocean Brain?

Learner Admins may navigate to the Announcements feature and select the desired announcement to edit

Note: The features under the Admin menu are enabled individually for Learning Leaders at each organization. If you believe that you should have access to one or more of these features, please contact us and your request will be forwarded to the appropriate person at your organization for approval.

Upon accessing the Announcements feature from the Admin button in BOB, you will see a list of all past, current and future announcements for your company.  

Editing an Announcement

  1. Once in BOB, navigate to Admin > Announcements.
  2. Scroll to the announcement that you wish to edit and select "Edit."  This opens the announcement and allows you to change any of the fields.
  3. Enter or edit all necessary fields (How do I create an announcement in Blue Ocean Brain?).
  4. Select Submit. This will save all edits and be displayed in the area(s) you've selected during the date range submitted.