What are Announcements in Blue Ocean Brain?

Announcements are customizable messages that can be published to an organization's Blue Ocean Brain landing page, Library, or micro-communication emails.

Note: The features under the Admin menu are enabled individually for Learning Leaders at each organization. If you believe that you should have access to one or more of these features, please contact us and your request will be forwarded to the appropriate person at your organization for approval.

Announcements, also referred to as banners, are customizable messages that an organization's BOB admins can publish for their learners in BOB. For instructions on creating announcements in Blue Ocean Brain, see this article.

Announcements can be published in up to 3 locations:

  1. Blue Ocean Brain landing page 
  2. Blue Ocean Brain Library home page
  3. Blue Ocean Brain micro-communication emails

Announcements are displayed in the selected location in a horizontal box with the same background color as the Quotes and Everyday Insights.